What is Reverse DNS Protection?
Internet Service Providers use the Domain Name System to determine the IP address associated with a domain name; also called Forward DNS. Reverse DNS lookup is the inverse process, the resolution of an IP address to its designated domain name. In a shared IP environment like most hosting accounts, that IP address resolves to sometimes several hundred domains. We make sure it only resolves to one, yours.
How this affects you
If someone sharing your IP address gets blacklisted for sending out unsolicited emails your domain will be among the many on that IP. address that also get blacklisted. Your email will bounce back from people who you regularly email because of it. The process for un-listing an IP address can take days.
Dedicated I.P. Address
Assigned automatically for our Standard and above hosting accounts can be programmed to use reverse dns so that email sent from your domain is separated from other email being sent from that server.
Benefits of Reverse DNS Protection
You will not be blacklisted unless it is your domain that is sending the unsolicited emails.
Reverse DNS is available on all Standard Hosting Plans and above.