
Google Gives Ranking Boost To Secure Sites

Google Gives Ranking Boost To Secure Sites

Google Gives Secure Sites A Ranking Boost Here's Why: Google says this gives websites a small ranking benefit, only counting as a “very lightweight signal” within the overall ranking algorithm. BUT, there's more to the story! In fact, Google said this carries “less...

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How to Improve Your Website Over the Weekend

How to Improve Your Website Over the Weekend

Everybody may be working for the weekend, but if you run a website, you already know that you're almost always working on the weekend, as well. In fact, most of the work of the everyday Web professional has to do with tweaking, analyzing, and generally optimizing the...

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How To Deal With BAD Reviews

How To Deal With BAD Reviews

No matter how good your company is, some people will always write something negative about your site, even if you tried your best to help them. So here at the best ways To Deal With BAD Reviews: Some customers might write negative comments about your company in their...

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Why do I need SSL?

Why do I need SSL?

Does the idea of improving your search engine rankings and offering your visitors better security sound like something you’re interested in? What if we upped the ante and told you we now offer an SSL Cert for just $5.95/mo? SSL certificates secure your website’s...

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