Should you change your password?
If you have a poor password your website is at risk! Spammers and Phishers constantly try to break into websites that have poor passwords, once in they use your website to host fake websites intended to deceive people into proving private information, or they use your website’s sendmail service to send spam from YOUR email address. The #1 way to protect yourself is YOUR PASSWORD. We encourage all users to choose a difficult password using the following tips listed below.
- Check to see if your username or email has been compromised online at: Have I Been Pwned
- Does your password meet the Strength Test? Check it here.
Passwords aren’t suppose to be easy, they are intended to protect you, so don’t make it easy!
Login NOW and change your password to something hard!
- Bad Password: charlie
- Better Password: charl!e
- Bad Password: password
- Better Password: PaSsW0Rd!2
- EVEN BETTER!: Pa5s!@!9(&)tl4$
Password Do’s
- At least eight characters long – 16432794
- A combination of upper and lower case letters- IE: PaSwoRDexAmPLE
- Use interspersed numbers
- Use characters such as !@#$%& – IE: use ! instead of i etc…
- Passwords aren’t suppose to be easy, they are intended to protect you, so don’t make it easy.
- Use a Password Manager such as 1Password
Password Don’ts
- Your first name, last name, or login name, in any form
- Consecutive or repetitive numbers or letters
- Adjacent keyboard letters such as qwerty or asdfghjk
- Common and obvious letter-number replacements (e.g. replace the letter O with number 0)
- Easily guessed personal information such as names and dates of yourself, family members, pets and close acquaintances
- Easily obtained information, such as:
- address
- license plate numbers
- telephone numbers
- credit card or ATM numbers
- Social Security or Social Insurance numbers
- email addresses
- Dictionary words, in any language, forward and backward
- Popular book titles, movie titles, or phrases
- Short passwords
Additional Tips
- Check to see if your username or email has been compromised online at: Have I Been Pwned
- Does your password meet the Strength Test? Check it here.
- Never share your password with anyone. Protect all passwords as you would protect your bank PIN.
- Never store passwords unencrypted on your computer. Password management software is great for managing many passwords, but take great care to protect access to your password database with a strong password, access card or USB key! (Or better, a combination of these).
- Never type your password when anyone is standing nearby.
- Beware of phishing scams.
- Change your password frequently.
- Never use the same password in many places, especially online!