Blog Category: Internet Security

Website SecurityProtect yourself and your website, from Phishing Scams to Spam. Here are some of the most common snail mail and email scams we see in the web hosting industry, plus some tips to avoid them. Check Have I Been Pwned to see if your email address has been included in any data breeches.

Password Security Tips

Password Security Tips

With more and more of our personal data being stored on our computers, giving thoughtful consideration to a password strategy can go a long way in preventing data from being compromised. The following tips are presented as a guide to assist you in password selection....

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Why You Really Need to Stop Using Public WiFi

Why You Really Need to Stop Using Public WiFi

In today’s busy world, convenience seems to outweigh consequence, especially with how people use their mobile devices. Using free public Wi-Fi networks, for example, comes with any number of serious security risks, yet surveys show that the overwhelming majority of Americans do it anyway. In a study by, a whopping three-quarters of people admitted to […]

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Should you change your password? YES! If you have a poor password your website is at risk! Spammers and Phishers constantly try to break into websites that have poor passwords, once in they use your website to host fake websites intended to deceive people into proving...

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Google Gives Ranking Boost To Secure Sites

Google Gives Ranking Boost To Secure Sites

Google Gives Secure Sites A Ranking Boost Here's Why: Google says this gives websites a small ranking benefit, only counting as a “very lightweight signal” within the overall ranking algorithm. BUT, there's more to the story! In fact, Google said this carries “less...

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Why do I need SSL?

Why do I need SSL?

Does the idea of improving your search engine rankings and offering your visitors better security sound like something you’re interested in? What if we upped the ante and told you we now offer an SSL Cert for just $5.95/mo? SSL certificates secure your website’s...

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